Nicer Profiles (Installer) UX (version 0.3)
Nicer Profiles UX stands for "Nicer Profiles User eXperience".So far this profile provides nicer User Interface using Colorbox) to "preview" the external links whose appear in descriptions of any profile in the Profile installer (like this one → Colorbox).
It also highlights and bolds the line which is clicked to expand the profile details so it is easier to see what profile the user is working with.
It makes the profile details area resizable too.
Installation & Update
From your Tiki → Admin home → Profiles admin panel by hitting the Apply Now button (or Forget and Re-apply to update) the following YAML code will be applied:objects: - type: module data: name: Nicer Profiles UX position: bottom order: 1 groups: [ Admins ] params: nobox: y custom: | {jq}{literal} $('#tabs_admin_profiles').delegate('tr[id^=profile] td div a:not([href^=#])','click',function() { $.colorbox({ iframe: true, opacity: 0.75, rel: 'preview', width:'70%', height:'90%', title: 'Preview of '+$(this).text(), href: $(this).attr('href'), open: true }); return false; }); $('#tabs_admin_profiles').delegate('a[href^="javascript:showDetails"]','click',function() { if ($(this).parent().parent().attr('style')) { $(this).parent().parent().removeAttr('style'); } else { $(this).parent().parent().css('background','white').css('font-weight','bold'); $(this).parent().parent().css('box-shadow','0 0 1em 0 white'); $(this).parent().parent().css('color','#000'); } }); $('#tabs_admin_profiles').on('click','a[href^="javascript:showDetails"]',function() { var profilesub = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id'); profilesub = profilesub+'-sub'; $('#tabs_admin_profiles').on('mouseenter','#'+profilesub+' > td > div',function() { $(this).resizable(); }); $('#tabs_admin_profiles').on('mouseleave','#'+profilesub+' > td > div',function() { $(this).resizable("destroy"); }); }); {/literal}{/jq}