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JS error in Tiki 12: make it work with Tiki 12
Applying the profile in Tiki 12 returns in Firebug console:

{CODE()}Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: a[href^=javascript:showDetails]

throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );

jquery-1.10.2.js (line 1850){CODE}
tracker item Fixed
tracker item Invalid
Back to Top for Tiki 14
Hi Luci,

since in Tiki 14 (starting 13) we do not have the #main selector anymore in most basic Tiki templates (tiki-layout_view.tpl) the "back to top" Button does not work out of the box anymore.

I applied your profile just a few minutes ago to one Tiki pre-14 Collaboration website (productive used!) and simply changed the reference of the buttons link element from #main to #middle and it works now.

Maybe you could provide a slightly adopted version as V.14 profile.

Best regards,

tracker item Fixed
Make Back to Top compatible with 12.x LTS mobile mode
tracker item Fixed